New WordPress plugin: Smooth Calendar

minute read. Posted on December 8, 2015 in WordPress

I’m excited to announce that my first ever WordPress plugin is now live on! It’s called Smooth Calendar and it’s the smoothest calendar plugin you’ll ever use (see what I did there?).

I built the calendar a while back for a client and just got around to polishing it up to make it public. It’s built using the WP REST API, it’s responsive and it…well it just works. As a theme developer myself, I made sure that Smooth Calendar is as extendable as possible and specifically kept the styling to a minimum. That makes it a pretty good choice for developers to use on client sites to keep it in line with their theme.

You can see all the features, along with screenshots, either on the WordPress plugin page or on GitHub (pull requests and issues are welcome there). I have an article in the works about releasing your first WordPress plugin, so follow me on Twitter if you’re interested in hearing about the nitty gritty details.